Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Happy holidays

A warm hello to all my old blog friends and new readers,

It has been a while and surely much has happened in you lives and mine. Another Christmas awaits at the doorstep, towing New Year's Eve behind and this year working on my novel has become a much loved and regular task for me. Regardless, it is not smooth sailing, there are stretches of silence, literally and moments of despair, but luckily there are these incredible rare moments,when I feel nothing can stop me, when everything seems to fall into place.

View from my writing room
Writing is a quiet business, nothing is ever really visible to the outside world unless something gets published, which hasn't happened yet. Sometimes I wish I could open the small room, where I most of the time sit down to think and research, to read and look at other writer's work and write a little more and I could share it with you all. Personally I love to read about other artist's doings, the mechanics of creating, if you will. And then I thought why not at least try? Perhaps it has been done before, maybe there is nothing new to say, but it feels to me at least that inviting you in makes it more real. Does this make sense? So in 2016 I will write more here about my writer's life and the things which move me and the things I move.

The manuscript...
It's a lonely job and I feel oftentimes I bury myself in this invisible world and forget to see what's out there. Do not get me wrong, there is the family, friends, my interior design work sprinkled in, but I do miss something. Still there are hours and hours where I just sit and write. And so I have added something new. Something which will take me outside, towards women, connects me again to a base where I feel I can belong. Thanks to my dear friend Patricia of PVE, who has asked me to join, I have decided to become Style Ambassador to India Hicks. Yes, perhaps like Tupperware or Avon, but different too since its still small, but rapidly growing and very elegant and beautiful. I met the incredible energetic and passionate India Hicks a few weeks ago and after talking with her I became convinced that it's a worthwhile enterprise. Will I do well? I am not sure yet, but I hope I can work out the kinks and give it a good try. Usually I have a certain fear of committing to such business, where others have a direct interest of me succeeding. I fear I will let them down. There is a pressure, which makes me uncomfortable. But this is another plan for the coming year: Stepping out of my comfort zone.

First hosting party in December

I want to hold myself accountable and the discipline which I have learned to apply to my writing might come in handy. Just do it, is my motto. I have nothing to loose. Ok, I could not sell and grow as I hope, but it's no reason not to try. To be truthful, this daring yes to it has given me a kick, a delightful rise in adrenaline and I have had nothing but a good time with it. You might think writing and thinking and all the intellectual exercises might exclude such down to earth selling business? Think again. I actually feel it boosts my confidence, I'll get used to approaching people, trying to market something I believe in. It might actually sharpen my wits once I will need to sell my manuscript to editors or agents, who are totally indifferent or might perhaps be absolutely disinterested. A practice in marketing....

India Hicks and I
I have already started and yesterday I took heart and dialed the hotel where we will stay between Christmas and New Year and asked if they would agree to a trunk show. I have not heard from them yet, but the worse would be they'd say no. But I have a good feeling.

Christmas Fairy

This year has been quite eventful. My husband started in spring to work with an incredible energized start up company on Wall Street, long hours, but so rewarding, my oldest son made a short film about a fifteen-year old ballerina, which will be distributed at the Cannes Film Festival, yours truly worked as art director on it and we are beyond happy about his success. Find it here. Second son finished his Masters degree, daughter will finish High School in spring, and yes she went all alone to England and manages life there by herself. The baby boy towers over me and tells us in earnest he wants to be a lawyer. He is 15 and everything is possible.
Another year has gone by way too fast and as always I reminiscent about time and how important it is to use it wisely. Never has 'Carpe Diem' meant so much to me.
Maybe this is only possible with age. I do not see the evidence yet in my children, life still stretches endlessly in front of them.

Our holiday window

And so I try to use every day and fill it with passion and joy and happiness and the sharing of hope and love, I try to sooth some pain in the world, which is also filled with hatred and revanche and murder and it is the only thing I can hold against it. I am not without hope.

I wish all of you a peaceful year's end and new beginnings! This and health and love and may life be good to you!

I promise to open my little writing room in January '16 and tell you what I work on and how this all is going. I promise not to bore you. It has held me captive for almost 3 years now.

Perhaps you want to join me here and there on my journey.



Monday, November 30, 2015

Design your home…………..define your taste

Glass & its significance

Aspects that define your home interiors define your taste as well. So does the glass designs as your interiors. Glass provides versatility, visibility & light transmission. Security, durability and energy conservation is also assured with the use of glass.

Glass denotes beauty and functionality & is scratch resistant as well. Glass also resists heat and ensures safety. Easy maintenance & cost effectiveness is also gained through glass.

axiom interior - Glass & its significance

Glass looks brilliant as a shower screen or/and partition. Decorative mirrors & glass tiles are also attractive when designed in the right manner. Glass is vibrant as a door partition or decorative panel in commercial set ups especially (pictures)

Frosted glass, tinted glass, textured glass, stained glass, figured glass & opaque glass are used for the appealing and soothing designing of your interiors. With the right choice of glass in the interiors right mood is set and emphasized

Painting sets your mood

Pigments in the paint give color and opacity; color to the mood is set through it. The binder in the paint keeps the protection on; binding the mood of the resident. Solvent and additives are used for thinning the paint & varnish and for quick dry or flow control.

axiom interior - wall painting

The various types of paints used for the interiors are oil paints, enamel paints, distemper, Duco paints & textured paints. Oil paint in the modern interior designing are applied as an oil finishing & protection of woods and exposed metals. Thus provides a finishing to your mood

Enamel paint on the other hand is a hard paint that gives a glossy finish to your interior furniture & your moods. Distemper is the base to your walls used for holding different colours. It holds the color on the walls and your mood too

Exemplify your taste with your choice of upholstery

Upholstery includes providing comfort with appropriate furniture. Perfect couch, seats, and right materials are used assuring luxury and comfort. The varied upholstery includes leather, couches, sofas, dhurrie, carpet and curtains.

axiom interior - upholstery

The choice of couch or sofas or modern bin bags defines one’s taste and art of living. Curtains and carpets are symbolic to your sense of art and taste of lifestyle effectively.  As per the personality the interiors are designed with right upholsteries. Right design and perfect choice enhances your mood and assures peaceful living with personalized interiors.

Outline your most private space

Your bathroom denotes your most private space in your entire residence. Designing it according to your choice and comfort is the best part of our art in interior designing. The design of your bathroom is established with the best accessories and fittings defining your style.

axiom interior - bathroom decor

A bathtub is the most comfortable place you indulge into while bathing. Most of the modern bathtubs are of fiberglass, acrylic and others. If you look for something else then alternative options like enamel over steel or cast iron and others are also available to satisfy your traditional taste

Jacuzzi is a company that produces bathtubs and spas with whirlpool but it has been popularized and trademarked to any bath with water jets. 

Saturday, November 21, 2015

5 tips for Holiday Bright

What kind of holiday decorator are you?

Walking through stores this time of year certainly sends the message that there are many people who love  a holiday  glam look with glitter, shine, and layers of finery.   If you've read this blog for awhile you know this won't be that kind of post.  I like my seasonal decor as simple as possible.  When visitors come to my home I  want them to feel in the mood for the season without being burdened by sensory overload.

In honour of the upcoming  holiday season I created a style board to illustrate some of my top tips for for decorating without going over the top.  I started with this stunning chair from Chairish, a US based online marketplace for vintage furniture.  There are so many beautiful accent chairs to choose from, in addition to other great finds for your home.

I would love to own this chair! It references warm and cosy, but still has a quiet elegance.  It can be yours for a great price.  Check out the link above.

Now for a little creative play, let's give it a new home using 5 simple decorating moves.

antler, Christmas, nature related, trees, branches and berries, Charish

Tip #1

Add a fur throw to furniture for instant warmth 

But if  a purchase isn't in the cards for you, don't fret.  You can satisfy  your urge by creating the same look using a faux fur throw or  natural sheepskin.   While you can use fur on any chair,  a framed chair in  black can't be beaten when it comes to impact.  Remember the power of spray paint!  Of course this one with its gold tips is extra special.  Hint, hint,  tape off and spray  the tips  of your stand -in piece gold.

Tip #2

Reference nature 

A quick look around this style board shows nature repeated throughout the space with birds, trees, deer, as well as twigs and berries. They are all easily added and removed for another creative use next year.  What I like about this more minimal approach is it's longevity.  Many of the additions can be left up all winter so you don't have that bare look after the holiday season is over.

Tip #3

Integrate seasonal objects among every day arrangements 

Take down a piece of art and hang a wreath in its place, add seasonal objects to your window ledge and bookcase or tabletop.  Berries can often be added to simple arrangements. 

Tip #4 

Add candles 

Such a simple addition and so much ambiance when lit.  If you are concerned about safety,  purchase a set of battery operated candles.  They are so realistic now with some even having a subtle scent and flickering light.  I especially like  the  remote control function on the ones I have. One flick and instant mood is created. 

Tip # 5

Use pillows for pattern and comfort

Not everyone likes to have a pile of extra pillows around; I get that!  I admit pillows are my weakness and  I have a shelf full so I can make changes through the year.  I think they are a small price for a refreshed  look.   One budget idea for seasonal pillows is to find ones that work well on one side with your every day decor and flip them for seasonal decoration. 

How does this  advice play out in my own home?  

Here's my dining room from last year.  Candles, real twigs and fake berries, white  reindeer, sprayed pinecones, an evergreen and birds. It will all be used somewhere again this year but it won't look the same. 

natural decorations Christmas reindeer berries and twigs candles

For something different this season, I've separated my two buffets and changed the art.

antler candles buffet Mike Gough
artist Mike Gough, The Island 2014

 I've been looking for the perfect place for my new piece of art by local artist Mike Gough.  It seems to be comfortable in the dining room. This painting has a  fall feel that made me think of my moose antler at my summer place.  Let's see if it can be integrated into a more sophisticated environment.  My candles are in place and ....   It needs more than that.  I'm thinking a conversation will happen between what's on the buffets and the table.  Stay tuned.


Monday, November 2, 2015

Going Coastal

As our lives become busier and more frantic there seems to be more interest in decor styles that are calm and comfortable.  As a result coastal influences are popping up everywhere.  Perhaps coastal decor is for you.

 Check out this ideabook I just developed on Houzz. 

To see the ideabook in its entirety click on the title.  


Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Revisiting antlers in decor

 In 2014 I wrote a post about the popularity of antlers in home design:  I had reservations about their overuse.  Whenever anything becomes too popular I am automatically reticent about employing the trend in my own home or  the homes of clients.  I decided there was a middle ground when it  comes to using antlers in an interesting way  as described in my initial post.

My antler gift finally moved indoors this summer once I decided it was suitably bleached.  The other one  was left in the flower bed.   Once moved inside it took up a  nomadic existence as you can see from the photos below.  You never knew where it would turn up.

 trunk, beach house, antlers  and candles

On the trunk in the living room for an evening of company when you want some ambiance.  The antler served as a place holder for the remote start candles.  I love this invention;  they flicker like real candles, smell like real candles and you don't have to worry about fire.  Thanks Costco!

antler and candles, beach house, handmade dining table

Or on the dining table if you want to use the the trunk for food or drinks.


as part of a console table vignette.

console vignette, antler, beach house, Home and Cabin

Our summer place was featured  in a local design magazine called Home and Cabin.  I needed an organic shape to add dimension to  a  vignette I created for the shoot.  My antler was perfect in scale and form.  It almost looks like writing and relates well to the other collected items on the tabletop. 

glass container with rope, antler, bleached wood floor

And when not in use, it resides on the floor in the corner  ready and willing to leap into service when called upon. 

I saw this  Fall application today on Pinterest and it gave me a new idea for Christmas.  Guess I'll be dragging antlers to my city home next month! This works so well because everything is bleached even the table top.  Did I mention I love bleached wood

antlers centrepiece, white hydrangeas, white pumpkins, bleached wood

Perhaps you have an antler in your life and have ideas for  its use.  I would love to hear from you. 


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

What to do with louvered doors

 I have a love hate relationship with louvered doors.   I like the free flow of air into closets,  but I dislike all the vertical lines and fussiness.   Many houses built in the eighties sport this type of door.  We have removed some of ours and replaced them with a contemporary looking slab door more in keeping with the streamlined look I like, and we decided to update others.  

And here's the last remaining set we have just waiting for a facelift.....

How to update louvered doors

Designing Home: Updated louvered doors 

All you need is 1/8 inch MDF or plywood  (some doors may have enough room for 1/4 in. ) and construction adhesive, (PL Premium is my favourite). 

 Lay the doors on a table or bench and measure the size of each panel area.  Cut the wood  to cover each  louvered panel section,  add a dot of adhesive every third slat next to the border and press the wood panel in place.  It should fit snugly, if not you can always caulk any seams before painting.

Use clamps or add something heavy to hold each panel in place and let it dry overnight.  Add new handles of your choice.

Reusing louvered doors for new projects 

When you remove the doors in favour of new ones you are left with two perfectly good doors that need a new life.  

Designing Home: Louvered bathroom cabinet

Here's the cabinet my husband made for our summer house  from the top half of two closet doors.  It nestles nicely into a small alcove in the main bath and holds things you don't want on display. It also gives you a great surface for changing vignettes.  We decided against hardware because you can easily open by using a louver as a pull.  It also gives it a more contemporary feel. And now what to make from the bottoms???

There are so many creative ideas for louvers on Pinterest.  I admit that many of them have a very country or beach feel to them,  but if you crave a more contemporary look there are ways to achieve it.

These are my top three faves:



Painting the louvers  black  the headboard  a very contemporary feel that I quite like.

This treatment is much more country, but could be updated  if they were painted charcoal and the bedding was adjusted accordingly.

Sofa table 

The straight lines of this table make it suitable for any decor. Colour and what you put on it can automatically update the look.

Standing Shelves 

Jessica Monroe

If you wanted this to have a more contemporary feel you could paint shelves and sides the same colour and add plain crown to the top and bottom.

So many creative uses for louvers.  I love to see materials getting a new life!


Monday, August 3, 2015

Thoughts on decorating the top of an armoire

So you have an armoire and you are eying that space between the top of it and the ceiling.  Do you or don't you put anything on top of it?   You might want to consider the following:

How much space do you have to work with?
If you have less than 24 inches  I suggest forgetting about adding something above it. Here's why:


This is a lovely  armoire, but the flowers are squished in, and they would be so much 
prettier in a different spot. The arrangement looks awkward.  The scale of the flowers and pan are perfect if only the armoire were a little shorter. If you choose to put something smaller in scale on top it would be difficult to see and you would have to stand back quite a bit to see it. 

BUT sometimes you can make it work.  There's always an exception to every  rule.


Even though these baskets touch the ceiling in places, their colour, scale and random/exciting arrangement  make them appear as if they are an extension of the armoire. The armoire is also at the end of a hall and will always be viewed from a distance allowing  you to see what's on top of it.


And you can usually get away with one large low object with a tall armoire

especially when the object is the same colour as the armoire. 

Do you want your eye to go to the top of the armoire?
If your armoire is a centre of interest in your space you may want to add other elements to enhance that position and make it even more commanding.   You might also want to add something if you have other tall elements in the space or you want to create some height variations among the various verticals in the space.

If you have enough space and you want to draw attention to the armoire here are some tips to consider:

Think in odd numbers. 


If the armoire has glass doors, consider using the same type of objects stored within it on the top.


This arrangement of bottles and bedding is a natural addition to what is already stored inside the armoire.  The light colours make the whole unit look very cohesive.


  In this child's room the top of the armoire seems to be the perfect place to store these large toys.  Because they are the same colour as the room and the armoire, they don't seem too big.  That leads me to the next tip:

If you don't want to draw too much attention to the objects, but you want to fill in the space consider using objects that are the same or similar colour of the armoire or the wall or use clear glass. 




If you are going to add a piece of art that high make sure it is a bold image that it can be read from a distance and lean it against the wall , if you are considering using a photograph the same guidelines apply.


Think about groupings of the same object in different sizes. e.g., vases, glass bottles, boxes, baskets, birdcages, wire sculptures, spheres,  ginger jars, etc.
If you scroll back through the photos in this post you will see this tip used in a number of ways.

How about you?  Do you have any thoughts on decorating the top of an armoire? 

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Arranging vignettes: Do you know your design letters?

 Are you challenged when it comes to arranging  accessories? Do you look at details in  decorating magazines and marvel at how everything  looks just right? Many people think the final touches are the most difficult part of home decor, but they don't have to be.  There are all kinds of tips and tricks of the trade. 

One of the simplest design tips I can offer is the use  of  letter formations to organize interesting accessory vignettes. I'm calling on my background in visual art and floral arrangement to offer you this advice.  Other decorators may have different ways of describing their approach. 

The most useful letters for designing vignettes are ....  A, V,  O, C, L, and M.  

Here goes...


eclectic bedroom traditional bedroom bedroom vignette

This is a very tight A line of design.  The visual height is always through the middle and the base is wider, but the bottom width can vary.  My eye wants to see something slightly taller than the dish - a sphere  would be lovely here. Perhaps the owner is like me,  always looking for just the right object to finish a room.

vignette, black and white, A line of design


Another A with a tall vertical.  Because this is a monochromatic scheme the overall A shape is more evident.  Are you noticing how the height is usually a piece of art?  It  could also be a sculpture, a mirror,  a  tall vase of twigs or flowers or photos hung on the wall.  The base can also  be much wider and the height much less than these examples. 

console table, vignette, V line of design
The reverse of A is V. In a V the lowest point is usually in the middle of the arrangement.  Sometimes thinking about it as a check mark is helpful because one side is usually taller and one is shorter.  A V line of design doesn't  have the height through the middle that an A line of design does. Sometimes only these two shapes are presented in vignette discussions, but there are so many more ways to think about it.  


Quintessential Dressing Table eclectic bedroom
 Lucid Interior Design Inc.

vignette, console table, C line of design


 You don't often find C lines of design and they are the most obvious when there's only one object banked by something that is circular as with the mirror and twigs.  Your eye just wants to make that sweep.  But sometimes it is the placement of objects that creates a C sweep with the largest object placed at the beginning of the C as in the photo above. 

Joni Spear Interior Design contemporary dining room, vignette
 Joni Spear Interior Design

 Some designers may argue this is a classic V formation but I would disagree because the mirror causes the eye to move in a circular fashion around the display.  The lamps are taken in with that sweep.

 Wakefield Residence modern living room, vignette, console table
 Rachel Reider Interiors

 Another  symmetrical O line of design.  The base is set so broadly that your eye just wants to do the circular movement around the objects. The three rounded shapes  add to the circular movement.  

vignette, starburst mirror, o line of design

Another very strong O line of design.  It is even more obvious when you have a narrow base. 

Metal decor modern living room, console table vignette

Urrutia Design contemporary , console table
Urrutia Design

The requirement for an L line of design is a very tall object placed on the edge of the design with a broad base.  Of course you can also reverse the L.  If the hurricanes were taller I would call the  vignette above a V. 


You don't often see the M line of design used, but it works well when you are displaying collections where you have several heights with dips in the middle and you start with shorter objects on the ends.  

traditional mantle vignette


console table vignette blue lamps

If the shorter objects are on either end it is an M, but when you start with taller objects on the ends and it is also high in the middle  it moves into a W.  

What line of design do these vignettes follow? 




1.This is  an A because of the wide base and the tall height through the middle. 

2.  Whenever you see a  lot of objects of similar heights spread out and starting and ending with a shorter object it is an M.  The more objects there are it can turn into a long zig zag of Ms. 

3.  Oh so tricky.  Without the curved object to the right it would be an O line of design, but your eye stops on it making it  a C. 

And there you have it.   Keep your eyes open when you see arrangements and observe the  lines of design  used. Then start arranging!