Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

Guitar play woke me this morning and the smell of freshly brewed coffee. There were beautiful tulips blooming on the breakfast table and my lovely mother-in-law and I share this day together, which is rare and I appreciate it the more for it. There were phone calls and hand written notes, hugs and kisses...
Being a mom has taught me so many things:
To love without conditions, to take myself back and let my children lead, to trust, that my work as a mother has done something, which has bloomed, just like these tulips have grown seemingly without help from the soil.

This is how I feel:  It's my job as a mother, to give my children the support they need to face the world, a world, which feel so much more demanding and challenging then when I grew up. It's a world, which surprises me and sometimes scares me too, a future which seems more uncertain and  often feels frail, yet full of adventures for them to discover and to conquer.

It's the love I give, which is the fertilizer to make them grow, make them believe in themselves, which makes all the difference. 

Life is uncertain and as I grow older, I realize how much the strong, loving bond means between parents and their children, something I only begun to see, when I had my own. 
My childhood was overshadowed by events, which unfortunately altered my relationship with my parents permanently, yet I still feel connected and miss them in my life...This is irreplaceable and I am so aware of the importance of being there for my children, despite huge distances, continents away, despite different opinions about the choices they make and to know that they are strong and smart and capable, and being young and inexperienced is not a handicap, but a wonderful chance. The power of youth is to dream and hope, I see myself as their biggest fan.....

My guidance, the teaching is often half hidden, yet my life and my own dreams are what helps my children live their own life. We teach by example and I strife to be an example they can look at sometimes and feel inspired, but mostly deeply loved! And I learn from them as much as I hope they take from me....

As long as I shall live my children will have a harbor with me, a safe place to land, a hand to support and an open heart, a cheerleader and a dream catcher, a base and a jumping board!

Happy Mother's Day...

Image by V.Zlotkowski

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